What is your Marketing challenge?
As a business owner or senior manager we always face challenges.
Time does not stand still, nor should your business.
Markets change, the economy changes, the environment is changing and customers change – as business owners we are always in the process of change.
Your business is constantly changing. Businesses must adapt to the changing environment. The priority is to adapt to survive and objective is to adapt and grow.
At Be-Digital we help businesses recognise the changing landscape and work with them to make the necessary changes to adapt and grow
Marketing now, more than ever is involved in all aspects of the business. Brand, positioning, communications, digital engagement, lead generation, automated marketing, social media, content generation, post purchase experience, environmental sustainability – the list is endless.

It is our aim to provide some light at the end of the tunnel by providing solutions to your challenges, answering your questions and providing insight, direction and impartial advice and guidance.
Some questions you may be asking yourself
What does my brand really stand for?
What is my brand story?
How do I generate more leads?
What does Digital Marketing mean for me and my business?
I know I need to redo my website, but where do I start?
Do I really need am App?
How do I select an agency to work with?
How do I know if an agency is any good – they all look the same.
I dont understand what my agency is asking me.
How do I generate more content?

Your marketing guide
Hi, I’m Chris Bantock, and I am Be-Digital. Throughout my career I have had extensive experience of sales, marketing and business development. I worked for corporates, medium business and small start ups.
My last role was running a digital marketing agency since 2009. This experience provides me with the knowledge and ability to be able to advise other businesses.
I now work with business that have a desire to grow and change and this is the key focus for my consulting services.
What Be-Digital is and what we are not
We are:
Honest and open
We will tell exactly as we see it.
Transparent in all business dealings
Always operate with your business interest at heart
We are environmentally friendly always having an eye on sustainability

We are not:
We are not an agency we are an independent consultancy
We do not over complicate things – jargon free (or explained)
We will not lock you into long term contracts
We will not sell you a single solution
How we can help
There are many ways that we can provide support and guidance. Our aim is to be as flexible as possible and work to deliver practical solutions. Every business is unique, every challenge is unique so our support to you is unique. It all starts with a conversation.

Sounding board
We all needs a bit of help now and again and it is good to talk. Sanity check ideas, ask for general advice and guidance.

Strategic Marketing Support
Strategic review, developing your brand story or interim marketing; these are all part of strategic support

Digital Demystification
Digital is still a new world to many. It changes and develops fast. Have you got the right infrastructure in place?